
Archive for the ‘monsters’ Category

A superbly written piece by Denise Chow, of SPACE[dot]com, based on Texas State researcher’s trip to Lake Geneva’s Villa Diodati (some vacation) that is — if you believe Mary Shelley actually wrote the novel Frankenstein — in the first place.

“…a long-standing controversy over whether the account is true, or if the author took some liberties…”

Many ‘modern scholars’ doubt Mary Shelley even wrote the Novel at all. This in spite of the fact it was submitted to the publishers in her own handwriting. The fact is; Mary was a gifted copyist, taking dictation from her literary parents, Mary Wollstonecraft and William Godwin.

True enough, the original text of Frankenstein is definitively in Mary Shelley’s handwriting, but this is no argument for her authorship, because she often acted as scribe for Percy Bysshe Shelley, her husband and probable author of the novel.

Ad to this the fact, that none of her other published works come even close to the genius of Frankenstein, and you have a greater mystery than — was the Moon shining through her window on the night of her supposed monstrous inspiration’s birth?

see also:  Frankenstein’s Moon

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“Snakes. Why’d it have to be snakes?”  –- Indiana Jones,  Raiders of the Lost Ark [1981]

Perhaps, because I was tought it wrong, I always believed that the biblical story of the woman and the snake went something like this: “..and the heel of the woman shall bruise the head of the serpent,” but after some research, I learned, that’s incorrect.

The Lord God said to the serpent, “Because you have done this, cursed are you above all livestock and above all beasts of the field; on your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life. I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.”

The Mother, the Child, and the Serpent

Caravaggio's Madonna dei Palafrenieri, first exhibited in Saint Peter's Basilica in 1606

So the dragon was enraged with the woman, and went off to make war with the rest of her children, who keep the commandments of God…


Except, in this modern version of the story, it is the woman who does the damage, after all.

…elderly Chinese woman who discovered a snake with a clawed hand protruding from its body was so scared she beat it to death… “I turned on the light and saw this monster working its way along the wall using his claw.” …then grabbed a shoe and beat the snake…


see also: Snake born with hand shocks scientists, Genesis 3:15, Revelation 12:17

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He’s no angel but he sure is a felon, now. By definition, a felon is someone who commits a felony.

Joe Angel Felan

Joe Angel Felan

Waco…wanted in connection to a drive-by shooting Saturday that killed 20-year-old Carnelyuis Fields. Joe Angel Felan, 22…is one of three people charged in his murder.

Felan and a yet-to-be-indentified third suspect are still at large.

see also: Waco police seek two suspects in drive-by shooting, Waco man, 25, arrested in drive-by-shooting death, Police seek second in drive-by murder, Felon (film), a 2008 drama film starring Val Kilmer

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Thanks to all the new visitors who commented on this blog entry, when Coast To Coast Am linked over to FrankenSteams’ Log.

As an amateur weather observer, one of the first things I do in the morning after I turning on the computer, is check the East Conus Water Vapor Loop and today, this is what I saw.Summer_from_Hell-ECWV

GOES Eastern US SECTOR Water Vapor un-retouched Image -- July 15th, 2009

Demons fiery breath roasts Texas -- Summer from Hell

Demon's fiery breath roasts Texas, in the "Summer from Hell," a phrase recently popularized by George Ure of urbansurvival.com fame.

updated:  July 26th, 2009

As if it were ripped straight from the front page of a supermarket tabloid, this morning’s satellite image shows what we’ve all been thinking:  namely, there must be some exceptional reason it’s so damn hot in Texas and now we know. Demons! The fiery-hot breath of flaming demons, stoke “The Summer from Hell, ” roasting Texans in their own juices.

Austin-Camp Mabry weather records go back to 1898 and show that no other 30 day period has been hotter than what we’ve just endured!  —Burton Fitzsimmons

Hottest 30 Days in Austin Weather History!


San Antonio residents encouraged to ‘rat-out‘ water wasters. Deep in the heart of Texas, cattle are not king.

see also:  State Drought MonitorGOES Eastern US SECTOR Water Vapor Image, Burton Fitzsimmons, National Weather ServiceUrban Survival, Summer From Hell, CoastToCoastAM, Internet meme, Pareidolia

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Montauk Monster?

Montauk Monster?

last updated:  June 2nd, 2010

…salvaged from the wreck of YAHOO 360.

Call it, ‘now, I’m really confused’ or ‘that fly on the hip thing’ –take your pick at the title ya like best! Taking another look at the original pictures, I notice a big fly (what we all here in Texas call a ‘horse fly’) on the rump of the beastie. Could be just the icing on the cake or the real thing, don’t know, (I’m conflicted, as usual) but the fly does add realism to the overall story. Still, if I was makin’ a movie prop beastie, adding ‘a fake fly to top it all of, seems reasonable.

Waiter! There's a fly on my monster.

Waiter! There

The saga of the so-called Montauk Monster appears to have taken another bizarre turn, this time toward Hollywood…movie production crew claiming…carcass.

And then there’s the little detail that all these stories are coming outta ‘Fixed News‘ –making’ it even more dubious.

Jenna Hewitt's photo of the corpse, revealed to the Internet on 29 July.

Jenna Hewitt

Montauk Monster goes all Hollywood

New eye-witness reports seem to corroborate the claim that the creature was in fact a ‘living thing’ once, perhaps a raccoon. Speculation was the ‘beastie’ was actually a model created by clever craftsmen, possibly in the hope it’s discovery would lead to the story going viral, for some feature film promotion.

Alas, the facts, as we see them on the ground are:

Looks as though it’s a (was a) dog or a raccoon!
A boy.
Poor critter.
lots of  ‘eew,‘  gross photos of a carcass; that looks more domestic than exotic, a bloated dog, not the ‘Hound from Hell.’

Seen envivo.

It looked about the size of an average fox, gray in color, eyes like a mole, hairless and was breathing quite heavily,” he wrote, “needless to say we were freaked out by this discovery and fled the area quickly.

Theorised by some to be a raccoon

Theorised by some to be a raccoon

Eric Striffler, gets the scoop — watch out, Current TV.

Strange Creature Found In Panama. This Thing Is SCARY! Eric Striffler adds this update to his Youtube video.

This being said, Montauk, has been a birth place of many a mythic and mysterious monster. The survivors of the ‘Philadelphia Experiment,’ or so the story goes, re-grouped there, to carry out their experiments in the seclusion of the island. One need only do a GOOGLE search on Montauk to find just how weird a place it is. So, it should come as no surprise, strange things wash up on the beaches of Montauk, Long Island, from time to time.

The Montauk Project, was alleged to be a series of secret United States government projects, conducted at Camp Hero or Montauk Air Force Station on Montauk, Long Island, for the purpose of developing psychological warfare‘ techniques and exotic research including time travel. People had their psychic abilities enhanced… they could materialize objects out of thin air… An alien, supposedly designed a chair, [in]which an individual could sit to boost his mental and precipatory powers.

What could be more fabulously outrageous than the idea that your tax dollars have subsidized the demented experiments of an evil cabal of Navy brass, CIA shrinks, fugitive Nazis and Reptoid ETs? What could be more fantastic; than viewing them, pow-wow together, for a little high-tech, tantric voodoo?

the Montauk mind control chair

the Montauk mind control chair

How very spicy, that this panoply of government geeks and their alien pals, fired up inter-dimensional vortexes by means of a buff, naked dude who was ‘jacked‘ into a psychotronic chair — while sporting a raging boner!

Whatever it was, where ever it came from, however you project your beliefs about the structure of the universe, seeing isn’t always believing, and believing what you see, isn’t always the way to know what’s behind the darkened ‘vale of reality.’

pictured above:  Montauk mind control chair, photo collage by Earl Saathoff   (newsday.com) A photo of the “Montauk Monster”  (Photo by Christina Pampalone)

see also:  Monkauk Monster–WIKIAnother Montauk Monster Washes Ashore,  Montauk Monster Mystery,  Montauk Monster Goes HollywoodMontauk Sea CreatureMontauk Project, The Montauk ProjectThe Montauk Monster – Hell Visits The Hamptons,  Montauk Chair — Things Got Legs, Al BielekEric Striffler

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